For 24/7 counsel, call the National Veteran Crisis Hotline at 988, Press 1. You may also call the Florida Veterans Support Line at 1-844-MyFLVet (1-844-693-5838) or dial 211.


Florida Observes Korean War Remembrance Day

June 19, 2018

TALLAHASSEE — Gov. Rick Scott has signed the annual State of Florida Korean War Remembrance Day Proclamation. June 25, 2018 is the 68th anniversary of the beginning of the Korean War. More than 294,000 Floridians wore the uniform of the U.S. Armed Forces during the three-year conflict.

More than 34,000 Americans were killed in action during the war, with approximately 103,000 wounded and more than 7,800 missing, including more than 150 Floridians.

More than 139,000 Korean War veterans currently reside in Florida.

2018 Korean-War Remembrance Day Proclamation