For 24/7 counsel, call the National Veteran Crisis Hotline at 988, Press 1. You may also call the Florida Veterans Support Line at 1-844-MyFLVet (1-844-693-5838) or dial 211.


Governor Ron DeSantis’ 2025 Budget Provides Vital Funding to Florida’s Veteran ‎Community

February 4, 2025

TALLAHASSEE Gov. Ron DeSantis’ 2025 Budget provides the nation’s highest premier services and support to the state’s veterans, their families and survivors through the Florida Department of Veterans’ Affairs (FDVA). ‎

FDVA is ‎‎responsible for serving the nation’s ‎estimated second largest veteran ‎‎population. ‎Serving as the premier point of entry for Florida’s 1.4 million veterans, FDVA ‎‎operates a ‎‎network of State Veterans’ Homes and ‎provides statewide outreach to connect ‎‎veterans ‎‎with earned services, benefits ‎and support. ‎

“We are the premier destination for our nation’s veterans and their families, thanks to the powerful leadership and bold advocacy of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis,” ‎said retired Marine ‎Corps Major General James ‎S. Hartsell, Executive ‎Director of ‎the ‎Florida Department of ‎Veterans’ Affairs. “As a Navy veteran, Governor DeSantis spearheads our efforts to ensure Florida is a national leader in honoring and supporting our 1.4 million veterans. He and his administration have committed hundreds of millions of ‎dollars to our department, helping to ‎ensure a ‎positive future for our nation’s heroes.‎”

The Governor’s Focus on Fiscal Responsibility Budget invests $12.3 million to support capital improvements for the State Veterans’ Nursing Homes. The budget includes $3 million for renovations of the 120-bed Baldomero Lopez State Veterans’ Nursing Home in Land O’ Lakes, which opened to residents in 1999.

The budget also invests $2.2 million to support enhancing safe and secure medication management for residents in State Veterans’ Homes.

The Governor’s Budget continues a $2 million investment to assist veterans in securing meaningful skills-based employment, provide employers a skilled talent pipeline, and to assist veterans in creating and operating a small business.

The budget includes $1 million for the Veterans Dental Care Grant Program, which expands access to dental care services for veterans through committed nonprofit organizations.