TALLAHASSEE – The 2019 edition of the Florida Veterans’ Benefits Guide is now available. The annual guide helps connect Florida’s more than 1.5 million veterans and their families with earned federal and state benefits, services and support. It also contains useful phone numbers and website addresses for additional information.
The online version is available on the website of the Florida Department of Veterans’ Affairs at https://floridavets.org/resources/va-benefits-guide/.
In addition, 120,000 copies of the 28-page, full color guide have been printed, courtesy of the Florida Veterans Foundation. Guides are available at no charge through local county veteran service offices and FDVA Field Services Offices.
To request a printed copy or for information on how to order bulk copies, please visit https://floridavets.org/resources/va-benefits-guide/ or call (850) 414-2717.