Main Priorities
Priority 1: Identify Service Members, Veterans and Their Families (SMVF) and Screen for Suicide Risk
Team Leads: Michael Hartford & Jeff Obos
- Identify Florida’s Veterans to increase contact and use of resources
- Make Veterans aware of mental health resources during a (separation from the military which is a time where many are at increased risk)
- Screen for SMVF status and suicide risk in clinical and medical settings
- Involve non-VA, non-medical, and non-clinical community partners in asking about SMVF status, noticing suicide risk red flags, and referring individuals to care
- Launch a Governor’s Challenge outreach, advertising, and media campaign
Main Initiatives:
- Add mental health resource to the DVA letter sent to all new Veterans declaring Florida as their state of residence
- Add mental health resource to the email sent to every individual that declares they are as a Veteran at the DMV
- Create a online training for non-Veterans so that they can: 1) Learn about the unique experience of Veterans; 2) Recognize the red flags for suicide risk
- Develop a advertising and media campaign to make the public aware of Governor’s Challenge effort, resources, and educational information
Priority 2: Promote Connectedness and Improve Care Transitions
Team Lead: Nick Howland
- Improve awareness of resources, services and benefits available to SMVF
- Improve access to resources, services, and benefits available to SMVF
- Improve coverage and usage of resources, services and benefits available to SMVF
Main Initiatives:
- Create a map of region-specific resources relevant to Veterans
- Provide training for non-Veterans
Priority 3: Lethal Means Safety and Safety Planning
Team Lead: Walter Sachs
- Expand the gun lock distribution program in Florida
- Include information about lethal means safety in Governor’s Challenge overall messaging campaign
- Increase Narcan distribution to additional communities and organizations
- Increase awareness of medication as possible mean for suicide
- Promote the VA’s new Safety Planning App
Main Initiatives:
- Expand gun lock distribution efforts in Florida
- Highlight existing medication drop off boxes
- Expand Narcan distribution
- Develop and disseminate a means safety campaign
- Promote safety planning as part of means safety via the VA’s safety planning app